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喜歡韓國人氣男星 玄彬 肌突現身?!

玄彬 在退伍後接演新戲 逆鱗,最新預告已出爐囉,影片中 玄彬 赤裸上身,



螢幕快照 2014-01-24 上午9.21.05  


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Adam Rickitt 唱的 I Breathe Again
一開始的喘習聲 聽了讓人想"入"非非...
PS:.但他後來從政去了 妙不妙 哈!



Adam Rickitt performing I Breathe Again at G-A-Y in 2000

 Clip of Adam Rickitt performing I Breathe Again with his shirt off at the G-A-Y club in 2000 for a crowd of gay men and lesbians.

He is introduced by G-A-Y club promoter Jeremy Joseph.

This clip is provided for comment and editorial review of the show and only a part of the song is included in order to comply with fair use requirements as defined in copyright law.


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